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Are you due for a skin care overhaul?? Part 1

Every year I take a look at the skin care products I use to see if they’re working for me. I usually give myself a year when using a product before I totally say it’s a Nay (unless of course it causes me rashes or hives! Then it’s a goner). A cleanser might be too moisturizing in the summer but a total complement in the winter.  I believe in the mantra less is more and I confess to being a creature of habit. However, it doesn’t mean I don’t wanna change things up sometimes, including my skin care. A new skin condition can also force you to reassess your skin care regimen and the products you’re using.

Every part of our lives involves assessment, why not assess (or re-assess) the products we use?? If a cleanser isn’t getting the excess oils from our pores, removing dirt and bacteria hence causing us to break out, isn’t it worth doing something about???

Of course it is!!@#$%

So what are the important questions to ask yourself?

First you need to become re-aquainted with your skin and ask yourself

  • What type of skin do I have? Is it dry, oily or combination skin?
  • What kind of skin care needs do I have? Sun protection or anti-aging?
  • What skin problems do I suffer from? Acne break outs, Lupus, Psoriasis?

How does my lifestyle play into things? Am I simplistic, too busy for a dragged out morning regimen? Do I want products with less chemicals?

What’s my budget? What’s my spending limit per product? $10 dollars?

Asking these important questions will help you figure out the kinds of products your skin needs as well as products to fit your lifestyle.

Tune in tomorrow where you’ll see what kind of products I switched to, how my regimen changed based on the (above) questions I asked myself and how I 've gotten to more radiant, glowing skin!